The forthcoming PlayStation 4 games console will include voice-recognition capabilities through the new PlayStation Camera, leading to speculation that Kinect may compete with Xbox One’s Kinect sensor on a number of fronts beyond physical-motion detection.
In a statement to EuroGamer.net, Sony said: “We can confirm that PS Camera does allow voice recognition. We will share more details on this shortly.”
It is expected that the new features that will come with PlayStation Camera will include navigational voice commands, as well as facial recognition.
PlayStation Camera is to be sold separately to the PlayStation 4 console for around €65.
The PlayStation 4 hits the US first on 15 November followed by Europe on 29 November. More than 1m pre-orders have already been received for the €399 console, which costs €100 less than its chief rival, the Xbox One, also arriving in November.
The Xbox One will be released to 21 markets in November this year at a price of €499, but it will come with the Kinect, as well as a headset.
Voice recognition and navigation were some of the major features being trumpeted by Microsoft for the Xbox One and it appears that by holding back some ammunition Sony intends to steal some of Microsoft’s thunder.