A group of schoolchildren has had its photograph taken by an octopus that Sony trained “faster than a dog”.
The octopus, named Rambo, currently lives at SEA LIFE Aquarium in Auckland, New Zealand and was hired by Sony for its The Octographer project, which shows off the new Sony Cyber-shot TX30.
Rambo was trained to press the shutter of the camera when people stepped in front of a particular backdrop, with the aquarium charging a bargain NZ$2 for a shot.
Of course the camera isn’t an underwater piece of kit, it was put in a specially constructed container in Rambo’s tank, where the octopus was able to press a red button on the shutter.
“When we first tried to get her to take a photo, it only took three attempts for her to understand the process,” trainer Mark Vette told Cult of Mac. “That’s faster than a dog. Actually it’s faster than a human in some instances.”
Rambo in action, via Petapixel
In the video, students from Westmere Primary School (year two, room 14) stand in front of the camera while Rambo does his thing.
Of course Rambo isn’t the first cameraman from the animal kingdom to get in the zone and find a new profession.
There’s this terrifyingly quick peregrine falcon, with a camera on its back:
Bishop, the adorable Great Dane, Go-Pro’d to the max:
And a Silicon Republic favourite – penguin cam. Although not an animal carrying a camera, it’s still pretty deadly:
Octopus image, via Shutterstock