Twitter co-founder Biz Stone says that after seeing how much people like to share information on the micro-blogging site by ‘retweeting’ that it is being worked on as a fixed part of the service.
While many Twitter applications have the retweet button built in, this is still not possible on the main Twitter homepage and many people aren’t even aware of its existence.
As Stone said on the Twitter blog, it can be a case of copy and paste and he wants to make the process more efficient.
Aside from incorporating a retweet button into the Twitter stream, Stone and co are also working on the ability to see someone you’re not following if they are retweeted by someone you do follow.
There will also be an option to disable this if it becomes information overload.
Retweeting is a great example of Twitter teaching us what it wants to be,” said Stone.
“The open exchange of information can have a positive global impact and the more efficient dissemination of information across the entire Twitter ecosystem is something we very much want to support.”