Vodafone confirmed today that it had resumed selling the Panasonic GD87 handset. Sales of the handset were suspended last week following the discovery of an issue between it and some of Vodafone’s upcoming online services.
The Panasonic GD87 is one of three multimedia handsets being sold by Vodafone in conjunction with the launch of its Vodafone Live! service. The phone features a built-in camera and can transmit pictures to other users via MMS (multimedia messaging service).
A spokesperson for Vodafone was keen to point out that there was no issue with the handset itself and the problem lay with the interaction between it and the Vodafone network. The particular service with which the problem was associated — an online multimedia album — has yet to be launched by Vodafone and as a result no users were affected by the issue.
Vodafone has confirmed that the problem has now been resolved and the handset is back on sale. The company stressed that any handsets bought before the suspension of sales are not affected in any way and users could continue using them as normal.
By Dick O’Brien