Volunteer Ireland launches database of volunteering opportunities online and in app form

16 May 2013

Image via imanolqs/Shutterstock

This week is National Volunteering Week and, to help those willing to give up their time to help others, Volunteer Ireland has created a searchable online database of volunteering opportunities, as well as a mobile app.

The I-VOL database can be accessed through www.volunteer.ie and contains information on about 5,000 active volunteering opportunities nationwide.

Appropriately, for the week that’s in it, software engineer Simon Brown volunteered his time to develop the app especially for National Volunteering Week.

According to Volunteer Ireland, the agency and local volunteer centres have registered 34,107 volunteers who have contributed more than 1m hours of their time at a value to the economy of €22.7m.

The I-VOL app is available from the iTunes App Store and Google Play.

Volunteering image via imanolqs/Shutterstock

Elaine Burke is the host of For Tech’s Sake, a co-production from Silicon Republic and The HeadStuff Podcast Network. She was previously the editor of Silicon Republic.
