Top Twitter accounts for space – Here is Hubble's infrared image of the center of our Milky Way Galaxy
If pictures of space are your thing, Twitter is the place to be. The social media platform is awash with cool accounts bursting at the seams with great imagery.
Below we’ve listed 10 of the top Twitter accounts for space pictures, with a couple of surprising inclusions along the way:
Commander Scott Kelly (@StationCDRKelly)
Scott Kelly is the current Commander aboard the ISS. He’s now leading a whole new mission up there where he, along with Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko, will spend a full year in space together.
Kelly consistently sends us pictures from above, often of what he sees below.
Whenever I think I’ve seen all the desert scenes #Earth has to offer I see something new and amazing. #YearInSpace pic.twitter.com/LUcSx87U0w
— Scott Kelly (@StationCDRKelly) June 18, 2015
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Labs (@NASAJPL)
For those who don’t know, JPL runs an awful lot of NASA’s coolest projects. It also competes in robotics tournaments, unsuccessfully. JPL does more than just posting cool pictures, it also shares stories and other tidbits to keep the masses happy.
Three moons over Saturn. Titan, Mimas + Rhea as seen by @CassiniSaturn. http://t.co/MQj3Vp2E5f #NASABeyond pic.twitter.com/TvprkXEuhs — NASA JPL (@NASAJPL) June 22, 2015
NASA’s Hubble Telescope (@NASA_Hubble)
Hubble, the observatory, is the first major optical telescope to be placed in space, the ultimate mountaintop. From there it tweets us images of faraway galaxies and even, on occasion, some refurbishing professionals cleaning the windows…
Astronauts Andrew Feustel and John Grunsfeld service #Hubble as it rests in the cargo bay of the shuttle. #SuitUp pic.twitter.com/O9XuyM0GLU — Hubble (@NASA_Hubble) June 3, 2015
The Curiosity Rover (@MarsCuriosity)
Curiosity is a little robot car rolling around the Martian wastelands, gradually mapping our nearest planet ahead of our impending colonisation. Its Twitter is a bit random, given the understandably slow work it is doing up there. However, if you time it right you can catch some brilliant, TS Eliot inspired updates.
Let us go then, you and I When the evening is spread out against the sky Blue sunset on Mars http://t.co/eMwViPNsGp pic.twitter.com/7CkIqrVXan — Curiosity Rover (@MarsCuriosity) May 9, 2015
SpaceX (@SpaceX)
SpaceX is basically the project we would all embark on if we were given an infinite amount of money. Created by Elon Musk to make travelling to Mars a reality, it now acts as a private courier of sorts, shipping supplies up to the ISS and showing cool videos of its descents down to Earth.
Falling back to Earth https://t.co/GesWzUZeq2
— SpaceX (@SpaceX) June 5, 2015
NASA Kepler (@NASAKepler)
The Kepler Mission is designed to survey our region of the Milky Way galaxy to discover Earth-size planets in the habitable zone. Which means pictures. Lots of pictures.
Kepler detects a supernova? No, THREE of them! And, catches them before KABOOM! #NASABeyond http://t.co/wvVaVlqZ1i pic.twitter.com/6TRG2kBaSA — NASA Kepler (@NASAKepler) May 20, 2015
The Rosetta Mission (@ESA_Rosetta)
Of course, despite its immense expertise, NASA isn’t the sole purveyor of space, nor is it the sole explorer.
Last winter the European Space Agency’s Rosetta Mission landed a probe on an asteroid. That sounds easy in sentence form, it’s not in reality.
“I am an ESA space probe at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. I’m studying the comet up close and have sent @philae2014 to its surface.”
How I’m getting ready to better listen for @Philae2014 http://t.co/q6DSPnCdqL pic.twitter.com/494jD0hWaE #livingwithacomet — ESA Rosetta Mission (@ESA_Rosetta) June 16, 2015
Spirit & Oppy (@MarsRovers)
Our second Mars inclusion on this list is a double act, of sorts. Roaming the Red Planet on six wheels for more than a decade now, the Spirit and Opportunity rovers send some amazing images and videos back from the surface of the planet. They also, occasionally, run marathons.
Run, Oppy, run! Rover completes Olympic #marathon on Mars, continues science http://t.co/llg9NrFGZd pic.twitter.com/EocUWH9sRu — Spirit and Oppy (@MarsRovers) March 24, 2015
Chris Hadfield (@Cmdr_Hadfield)
Commander Chris Hadfield left the ISS a few years ago, however, he still continues to entertain. He’s now an established public speaker, space enthusiast and all round good guy.
He still, on request, sends pictures he took when on the ISS. Like New Zealand, for example.
.@boonman Yes, I took MANY photos of New Zealand. It is beautiful from space. Here’s one – do you recognize where? pic.twitter.com/RAiHQAU9ah
— Chris Hadfield (@Cmdr_Hadfield) June 22, 2015
Lego Space Bot (@LegoSpaceBot)
Okay, this isn’t exactly space. Okay, this isn’t even nearly space. But on LegoSpaceBot you can see pictures of Lego Space stuff, “the Classic and System eras”, uploaded every two hours.
6871-1: Star Patrol Launcher, 1984 #LEGO pic.twitter.com/4MXSpEYsNf — Lego Space Bot (@LegoSpaceBot) June 21, 2015