Science Week 2009 is to be marked by a whopping 400 events headlined by the theme of celebrating creativity and innovation.
Discover Science and Engineering (DSE) has announced that the theme for Science Week 2009 is ‘Science Week – Celebrating Creativity and Innovation.’ More than 400 events are expected to take place across the country from Sunday, 8 November, until Sunday, 15 November.
Celebrating the EU Year of Creativity and Innovation, Science Week 2009 aims to raise awareness of the importance of creativity and innovation for social and economic development.
Highlights of the week
Some of this year’s Science Week highlights include science fairs in Limerick, Waterford, Sligo, Galway and Cork, and a free lecture series in the Science Gallery in Dublin for secondary school students which will showcase Irish innovation and career opportunities.
Further information on events across the country is available on www.scienceweek.ie.
“If Ireland is to reach its goal of becoming a Smart Economy, we have to capture the imagination of young people and open up the opportunities available to them in the worlds of science, engineering and ICT,” commented Peter Brabazon, programme director, Discover Science and Engineering.
“Events for schoolchildren and families are run by volunteers across the country so we would encourage everyone to log onto www.scienceweek.ie and see what events are on in their locality. The opportunity to witness a moment of magic could lead to a lifetime of innovation.”
“Discover Science and Engineering is urging parents and teachers, along with students, to get involved. Why not hold a science quiz or science art competition in class, make a science-fiction video, or even try some kitchen chemistry experiments at home?
“Visit the Resources section of the Science Week website www.scienceweek.ie for ideas and let’s get creative!” Brabazon added.
Goal of Science Week
The aim of Science Week is to promote the relevance of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in our everyday lives and to demonstrate the importance of these disciplines to the future development of Irish society and the economy.
Science Week Ireland is organised by Discover Science and Engineering, the Government’s integrated awareness programme for science awareness and promotion.
Thousands of people are expected to attend more than 400 events nationwide during the week, specifically targeted towards children, secondary-school students, parents, teachers and others who may be interested in science and its applications.
By John Kennedy
Photo: Science Week 2009 takes place 8-15 November across Ireland.