DkIT and NUIG join forces for software research

9 Sep 2010

Irish software engineering research centre Lero announced that Dudalk Institute of Technology (DkiT) and National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) have entered a formal collaboration in order to further advance Irish software research.

DkIT and NUIG will now collaborate on projects, including the EU’s Framework Programme 7 projects.

Lero is based in the University of Limerick (UL), UCD, TCD and DCU. It has been working with DkIT and NUIG for some time.

This agreement marks the first time that the collaboration has been formalised, which will have a significant impact on Irish software research on the world stage.

“We are very pleased to join with DkIT and NUIG in a formal collaboration to further enhance the profile of Irish software research on a global basis,” said Prof Mike Hinchey, director of Lero.

“It has been extremely worthwhile and productive to work with these excellent institutions in the past and we look forward to exciting developments in the future.”

Dr Tim McCormac, head of research in DkIT, is highly enthusiastic about the collaboration.

“This underlines the international quality of the software engineering research currently being undertaken by the researchers at DkIT and we look forward to playing our part in ensuring Ireland’s work in this area continues to have a global impact,” said McCormac.

Lero was established in November 2005 with support from Science Foundation Ireland’s CSET (Centre for Science, Engineering and Technology) programme.

It is a collaborative organisation which embraces software engineering research activities.

It focuses on automotive, aerospace, medical, telecommunications and financial services.