Dublin City Council launches third annual Sustainability Report
Today, Dublin City Council (DCC) launches its third annual Sustainability Report, providing information on steps being taken in the city to improve performance on issues of energy, transport, waste, water, air, biodiversity, society and economy.
The report outlines the approach Dublin City Council takes to sustainability, and lists key initiatives and flagship projects under way. Alongside the report, DCC has also released an Indicators Report that provides data on key performance indicators across 10 themes, ranging from health and well-being to innovation and education.
“These two reports are intended to give people the information they need to understand the opportunities and challenges facing the city, and to get involved in addressing them,” says Mark Bennett, Green Business officer in Dublin City Council. “The reports outline a vision for sustainability in the city, and also provide the data for evidence-based decision making.”
“We are all tasked with the responsibility of protecting and maintaining the planet and it is our responsibility to lead the way in our own city,” Lord Mayor Mr Naoise Ó Muirí wrote in the report.
“This report outlines our flagship projects in co-operation with The Green International Financial Services Centre (GIFSC) and The Green Way, which seek to position Dublin and Ireland as a leading location for green finance and enterprise,” added John Tierney, city manager. “There is a global shift towards a greener economy and Dublin is well placed to be at the forefront of this.”
The reports are available on the Dublin City Council website or can be downloaded here, as can the Indicators Report.
DCC’s Mark Bennett is among international experts and local leaders in green finance, technology, energy and innovation, speaking at the Green Growth Forum in Dublin this morning to examine how Ireland can be a leader in the low-carbon economy.