Projects focusing on improving and shaping the ‘Future Internet’, including investigating ICT security, social networking and systems architecture, have been awarded €8.6m in funding to date from the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme for Research (FP7).
The research projects are being undertaken at the Telecommunications Software & Systems Group (TSSG) at Waterford Institute of Technology and will facilitate the creation of new and innovative industries and applications to be applied in Ireland and overseas.
In all, TSSG will lead five research projects with a total value of more than €21.5m and will participate in a further three projects worth more than €17m arising from the fifth call of the FP7.
TSSG aims to turn a wealth of research knowledge into high-value products and services that benefit the Irish economy and support economic recovery by drawing on the expertise of European industry partners in the ICT sector such as NEC, IBM, Thales Group, ATOS Origin, SAP and Lake Communications.
“One of the primary requirements for FP7 funding is that the research activity must have ‘European added value’. The securing through a competitive process by TSSG researchers of large-scale European research investment is testament to their proven track record, expertise and ingenuity,” said Dr Willie Donnelly, director, TSSG and research director, Waterford Institute of Technology.
“Ireland’s economic recovery and future sustainable economic growth requires continued investment in world-class research. The application of technology and the exploitation of research knowledge are two key drivers for Ireland’s economic growth and competitiveness.
“In an environment of decreasing national funds, this latest allocation of funding will secure 150 high-value research positions at the TSSG, allowing them to continue ongoing activity that impacts in society and the marketplace in this country and overseas. There is a tremendous multiplier effect from this type of core funding for research and the overall value of the EU support to ‘Ireland Inc’ will be increased substantially by matching investment by our private sector partners and positive spin-offs from the research outputs,” he concluded.