Intel has made major moves in the data-transfer sector, particularly with regard to cloud computing, and now the chip giant is to release cables capable of transferring data at up to 800Gbps.
The new MXC cables will eventually replace the currently existing copper cables that are only capable of achieving a maximum speed of 10Gbps.
In a blog post, Intel said it intends to start releasing the new cables in the later part of this year.
According to the company’s estimates, users of the new cabling, at its maximum speed, would be able to download a two-hour HD movie from iTunes (4GB) in less than two seconds.
Intel’s Silicon Photonics labs is developing the cables with the help of a fellow US company, US Conec.
Microsoft, which is joining the MXC Adopters Forum, said it could potentially bring cloud computing to another level of efficiency.
“We believe that MXC, along with Intel Silicon Photonics, will be instrumental in shaping next-generation, high-performance data centre architectures. We look forward to working with Intel and open standards bodies like OCP to accelerate information sharing and industry adoption.”