As part of the Government’s €150-million plan for ‘smart schools’, €450,000 will be made available this year to pay for primary and secondary school access to online reference tools.
All 4,000 schools around the country will have access to both Encyclopedia Britannica and World Book as part of this new e-learning initiative.
“Making these encyclopedias available online to schools free of charge demonstrates our commitment to providing digital reference content to teachers and students in a way that encourages learning through technology,” said Minister for Education and Science, Batt O’Keeffe.
“The range of information available to schools through these encyclopedias will enrich students’ learning experience and deepen their knowledge of the sciences, humanities, arts and other areas,” he added.
What the online references include
O’Keeffe further explained that access to these online references, which include text, video clips, 3D simulations, research aids and other forms of new media, will be delivered through the existing scoilnet.ie website.
“Today’s move to give schools access to digital reference content online follows the Government’s launch of a €150-million plan for ‘smart schools’ which will give every classroom in the country a teaching laptop, software and digital projector over the next three years,” he explained.
By Marie Boran
Photo: Minister for Education and Science, Batt O’Keeffe.