Energy-saving technology provider Powermaster has launched an integrated water and energy management system (IWEMS) that reduces electricity consumption and the associated chemical costs in a swimming pool or spa by as much as 70pc.
IWEMS also provides web-based remote monitoring for optimal tuning of system parameters and accurate reporting of performance, energy savings and fault detections.
The company says it is the first system able to automatically regulate pump speeds in accordance with the number of bathers in the pool. Existing installations have demonstrated possible savings of up to 70pc of electrical energy together with 30pc of chemical costs. A typical application will witness 50pc savings in power alone, as well as the consequent carbon emission reductions.
Using IWEMS, the motor speed in pumps and air handling units is controlled via variable speed drives, which are essential part of an energy-efficient plant room. This enables real-time adjustments to be made, which can maximise energy efficiency.
Water management
The circulation of water using filtration pumps also helps ensure safe and efficient pool water management. IWEMS also monitors a variety of functions, including injecting and mixing water treatment chemicals, such as chlorine and pH correctants, and heating the pool and distributing heated water within it. When water quality exceeds a predefined threshold, pump speed can be reduced, saving electricity and chemical costs because chemical dosing and control is connected directly to pump speed.
IWEMS can also be employed to manage UV treatment systems, creating additional savings in energy and maintenance, by prolonging lamp life.
“When pools are designed, the pumps are specified to provide sufficient turnover of water to cope with the maximum number of bathers that the pool can accommodate,” explained Geoff Ranshaw, one of Powermaster’s directors.
“Our vision is to properly integrate the control of pool pump speed with the monitoring and management of water quality, so as to maximise the opportunity for energy savings. Put simply, we make your energy spend relative to the amount of people in your pool!”
Carbon Trust Loan Scheme in Northern Ireland and Scotland includes Powermaster’s IWEMS range in its list, offering organisations the opportunity to access business loans of £3,000 – £100,000 to help cover purchase cost.