Spare a thought for the SEO specialist, who in essence works to increase a website’s visibility on the internet. It’s a challenging task, considering just how much the internet has grown in size and sophistication since its early days.
An SEO (search engine optimisation) specialist’s duties may vary by position, but their role has evolved along with the internet.
During the internet’s younger years, an SEO specialist may have been focused solely on the site, while today they may be working on things such as geographical targeting.
Generally speaking, an SEO specialist analyses, reviews and makes changes to websites so they’re optimised for search engines. They may also develop original content, use keywords and employ search engine marketing techniques to increase traffic to their websites.
Therefore, strong strategic, technical, analytical and communication skills are essential in the makeup of a good SEO specialist.
For their efforts, SEO specialists can expect to earn an annual salary of €23,000-€27,000 in a junior position to €30,000-€37,000 in a senior position, according to recruitment firm Prosperity.