She has never experienced open bias in the workplace, and never even considered her gender until later in her career but, looking back, Dropbox’s Adrienne Gormley says she would have some useful tips for her younger self.
Cloud storage giant Dropbox sees diversity as key in today’s workplace, and is proud of its 50:50 gender mix in its international headquarters in Dublin. But, of course, says Adrienne Gormley, head of EMEA User Operations at Dropbox, diversity goes well beyond gender, and she points to the ten nationalities employed in Dublin, and its interest in LGBT and cultural diversity too – the Dropbox team has a float in the upcoming Dublin Pride Festival in the city.
Gormley recently joined Dropbox from Google where she led international teams across areas including Sales, Google Maps Operations and Localisation. While at Google, she led their women’s network in Dublin, and she says the area of diversity is one to which she remains deeply committed.
“Rather than small single groups, here in Dropbox Dublin we try to have office-wide initiatives around diversity,” she says.
In her own rise to senior management, Gormley says she has never really encountered open bias in any way, and never even considered gender until later in her career. Looking back on her own journey however, Gormley has some great advice for young women setting out on a career in the tech industry. Watch the full interview with Gormley below:
Dropbox is sponsor of Silicon Republic’s Female Founders Forum on June 30 in Dublin’s Guinness Storehouse, part of our ongoing Women Invent Tomorrow programme, which is supoorted by Intel, Accenture, ESB, Twitter, Science Foundation Ireland, the Irish Research Council and Coderdojo.