Employees in the IT, sales, engineering, and accounting and finance sectors earn the highest salaries, earning more than €60,000 per year, according to the IrishJobs.ie Salary Survey 2012.
Twenty-seven per cent of those who earn more than €60,000 worked in IT. Sales employees made up 13pc of high-salary earners, accountancy and finance made up 10pc and engineering staff made up 8pc, according to the survey.
Almost half of survey respondents (42pc) receive a yearly salary of between €20,000 and €40,000. Five per cent earn in excess of €80,000 and 14pc earn less than €20,000 per year.
Salary levels were similar for male and female survey respondents, though the proportion of men (11pc) earning more than €70,000 was higher than the proportion of women (5pc) earning this salary.
Three out of four survey respondents said they were not satisfied with their current salary and 70pc said they would change jobs for more money.
One-quarter of survey respondents said they received a pay rise this year. However, 35pc of survey respondents took a pay cut during this same period.
Benefits and promotions
Forty-four per cent of those surveyed said their employers offered benefits to reward their workforce. Sixty-seven per cent offered a pension scheme, 56pc offered healthcare, 42pc offered a phone, 12pc offered a company car and 12pc offered gym membership.
Forty-four per cent ranked healthcare as the most sought-after benefit, followed by a pension at 35pc. Fifteen per cent believe a company car is an important perk.
However, more than half of survey respondents (56pc) said they would relinquish their benefits for an increase in wages.
Work-life balance was more of a consideration for female survey respondents, with one in three saying they would agree to a reduction in salary if it meant working fewer hours. Three-quarters of male respondents said they would not consider this as an option.
As for promotions, four in five would prefer a salary rise to a new title. The offer of a promotion was more important to those starting their careers, with one-quarter of 20-30-year-olds choosing a promotion over salary, compared to 9pc for those aged between 45 and 60.