Every stage of applying for a new job is nerve-wracking, but at least give yourself a chance by getting your CV right.
Whether it’s as simple as not including a photograph, or ensuring you’re consistent with the font used, the numerous pitfalls catching people out on CVs are surprising.
You want to stand out from the crowd, but not come across like a fool. You want to look professional, but not a bore.
Template.net’s handy infographic offers some advice so obvious you will feel silly not already knowing it.
For example, sort out your email address, PartyManiac2000 won’t cut it. Don’t overuse bullet points, they’re supposed to shorten passages. And don’t ever include typos, there’s really no excuse for that.
Lay it out well, include your contact details and keep it relevant. You know all this, of course. Everyone does. But that doesn’t mean these common errors don’t crop up from time to time.
At Silicon Republic, we know.
Interview image via Shutterstock