Smells like Tweet spirit, the joke that keeps on giving

28 Aug 2015

As a fan of puns and wordplay, the internet has helped expand my world of enjoyment. When that crosses with music, well there’s little better.

And so back to the work of jimjarmo on YouTube, who painstakingly trawls social media for usernames that pretty accurately replicate, in phonetic terms, the lyrics of songs.

I’m not a fan of Nirvana Smells Like Teen Spirit, but this just goes to show how a clever idea can keep someone interested. Using Twitter as his base, jimjarmo’s liberal attitude to Kurt Cobain’s pretty impenetrable voice is brilliant from start to finish.

There are well over 300m active Twitter accounts, and hundreds of millions more inactive ones, offering jimjarno a seemingly endless list of odd names to go through.

Maybe you will spot your own profile in the video, maybe you will spot a friend’s. There’s not much more to say, other than enjoy!

If you’re into it, here is Tweeted Love:

And a bit of Abba, too:

Gigglebit is’s daily dose of the funny and fantastic in science and tech, to help start your day on a lighter note.

Main image via Jose Luis Merizalde on Flickr

Gordon Hunt was a journalist with Silicon Republic