Eggs-treme Google fans vandalise blurred German Street View houses

24 Nov 2010

Reports have claimed that vandals have been egging houses in Germany whose owners requested that they be blurred out from Google Street View.

Deutsche Welle reports that homes in the Bergerhausen area of Essen, that are not being displayed on Google Street View, were hit by eggs on Saturday.

The vandals, who apparently are Google fanboys, taped notes that read “Google’s cool” on the homes’ mailboxes.

Google does not condone the attacks, telling Search Engine Land they respect homeowners’ decision to opt out of the service and “by no means consider this to be acceptable behaviour.”

Google Street View launched in Germany recently, however, due to pressure from politicians and privacy campaigners, Google allowed residents to blur their homes from the service.

Nearly a quarter of a million homeowners had their homes blurred out on Street View in Germany.