Facebook's Place Tips. Photo via newsroom.fb.com
Social network Facebook has taken a distinctly Foursquare-like turn by adding ‘Place Tips’ to its service, meaning users can expect geo-specific tips about where they are to appear in their news feeds.
Like Foursquare, which provides personalised recommendations of places to go based on a persons current location, Facebook users can use Place Tips to access information about their current location, such as restaurant menus and events.
In addition, posts and photos that friends have shared relating to that place will also appear.
A person’s location is determined using mobile networks, Wi-Fi and GPS, though place tips will only appear if you’ve given Facebook permission to access your location. The tool is currently only available for iPhone users.
“From friends’ recommendations to information about the places and things that interest you, Facebook helps you connect with the world around you,” said Facebook product manager Mike LeBeau.
“To better show you this content at just the right place and time, today we’re launching a new feature called place tips. Place tips will show you fun, useful and relevant info about the place you’re at. Tapping on place tips won’t post on Facebook or show anyone where you are.”
Facebook just recently launched a ‘Lite’ version of its Android app specially tailored for low-end mobile devices in emerging markets.
At just 252 KB in size, the app is a simplified version of social network’s 2009-era mobile website and has been designed for 2G networks and areas with limited network connectivity. It is currently available via the Google Play store in Bangladesh, Nepal, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Zimbabwe.