With kickoff later today at 3pm the online space is readying itself for World Cup fever: the Google doodle is a clickable guide to the sports event of the summer and Twitter has built a special site devoted to the subject.
If you want quick access to the match schedule, the latest news and a guide to what teams are in particular groups then click on the Google doodle and it takes you straight to FIFA World Cup related results including a widget that you can add to iGoogle.
But Google is not the only online service getting in the sporting spirit because Twitter has gone to the effort of creating a special site to helps fans follow World Cup news in real-time.
The Twitter World Cup page displays Top Tweets on the landing page but the list of upcoming matches is clickable and ‘View Match’ takes you to related live tweets so don’t forget to hashtag your commentaries as you hit the pub or crash out in front of the TV later today. #wc2010
“Using live widgets, real-time search, and Top Tweets (updates that are currently catching the attention of many Twitter users) we’ve put together a special site to capture the spirit of the World Cup and it’s already pulsing with activity,” said Twitter co-founder Biz Stone.
Image: Gooaaaaaaaaaaaaal! for Google and Twitter