A still from the Apple Campus 2 construction video
A recent video shot by a Go Pro camera strapped to a quad copter takes viewers over walls for a bird’s eye peek at consumer tech giant Apple’s new spaceship-shaped campus being built in Cupertino, California.
The 8.5-minute footage reveals the huge size of ‘Campus 2’, with views of tunnels, a distinctive long ramp, and areas where concrete has been poured in place.
Groundbreaking on the project took place less than a year ago, and the new building is scheduled for completion in 2016.
Apple’s plans for the Apple Campus 2 project to the City of Cupertino revealed the campus would include a main, four-storey ‘spaceship’-looking building with 2.8m sq feet of office space for 12,000 employees, a restaurant, and separate buildings for a 100,000 sq-foot fitness centre and a 1,000-person auditorium in another 120,000 sq-foot building.
There’s more: A second phase of construction is to include two office and research buildings, each spanning about 300,000 sq feet, to accommodate 2,200 employees.
How Apple’s Campus 2 is to look upon completion
Apple has said it will use 100pc renewable energy to power the campus, with help from fuel cells and solar panels on-site, hinted at by a grid pattern in the middle of the construction site in the video.
The company will also provide 300 charging stations for electric vehicles.
Go for a spin over Apple’s Campus 2 under construction here: