The foreign direct investment agency IDA Ireland has launched a Technology & Innovation Showcase in Second Life to highlight the nation’s technology expertise and show exactly why technology giants such as Hewlett-Packard, Apple, Intel, Microsoft, Google, Amazon and Facebook have chosen to locate in Ireland.
Second Life is the 3D virtual world, which is inhabited by millions of residents globally who interact with each other. The state agency worked with developer V Rising to build the showcase.
The exhibition showcases sectors such as information communications technologies and life sciences.
Visitors can also watch a weekly screening of the Irish Mind documentary series, which aired on CNBC in 2008. The episodes look at different aspects of the Irish mind, including business, science, creativity, and the humanities.
Ireland continues to be a key location for top technology companies. The depth of Irish management talent and technical skills are important factors that attract these companies, as is their ability to tap into innovation networks in Ireland.
“We are excited to be using this innovative virtual-world technology to promote Ireland as a location for foreign direct investment. Second Life provides a platform for experimentation as a non-traditional marketing tool,” said IDA Ireland marketing manager, Caitriona O’Kennedy.
“Dublin Second Life was the perfect location for the exhibit to be based because of its strong community and upstanding reputation,” O’Kennedy added.
Dublin Second Life is a popular location for real Irish businesses to establish and experiment with virtual worlds. Created by John Mahon (aka Ham Rambler), it is a thriving location for live music, and offers a warm and friendly atmosphere to new visitors.
By John Kennedy