Just how social are the Irish, really?

11 Dec 2009

Siliconrepublic.com and social media public relations player Simply Zesty have joined forces to conduct an online survey into how socially networked Irish people really are.

For example, according to Facebook, some 1.25 million Irish people – more than a quarter of the population – have a Facebook account.

But we want to learn more – for example, how many people regularly socialise online and how big a factor do social-networking sites like Bebo and Twitter play in their social and professional lives.

Social media on the job

The last survey by Simply Zesty in July found that social media is starting to become a large part of people’s lives, with more people using it in the workplace.

The survey then found that 90pc of people can access sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Bebo at work and 25pc claim to spend more than two hours on social sites every single day while at work.

It is not just in the workplace that people are using social networks, with more than 75pc of that survey’s respondents revealing they now socialise online and more than 35pc of people said they had “met somebody romantically or flirted online.”

To take part in the survey, go online and answer the survey here.

We will aim publish the survey results in a fortnight’s time.

By John Kennedy

Photo: More than a quarter of the Irish population have a Facebook account.

John Kennedy is a journalist who served as editor of Silicon Republic for 17 years
