During the Beijing Olympics there were some 139.3m smartphones in the world and 100m Facebook users – as we accelerate towards the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony in London on Friday the latest count reveals there are 657m smartphones in the world and 900m people on Facebook.
A new infographic compiled by Float Mobile Learning shows what a difference four years can make.
In 2008 at the time of the Beijing Olympics there were 6m Twitter users. Zoom forward today there are 140m Twitter users in the world.
There were 300m apps downloaded from the iOS App Store in 2008 – by this year there have been some 25bn apps downloaded from the store.
Indeed, iOS marketshare has jumped from 8.2pc in 2008 to 22.9pc today.
Android’s marketshare has gone from 0.5pc in 2008 to 56.1pc today.
RIM BlackBerry’s marketshare has plummeted from 16.6pc down to 6.9pc.
The infographic also has some interesting numbers such as the number of London Underground stations (82) equipped with Wi-Fi and the fact that 70,000 volunteers aren’t allowed to post on social media sites during the Olympics.
It also reveals that there are 140,000-plus contactless payment terminals that have been rolled out in the UK prior to the games.
As well as the top five apps including Go Swim, Runtastic and Tennistips, the infographic includes a timeline of the evolution of mobile devices from the Atlanta Olympics in 1996 when the Motorola StarTAC was the state-of-the-art to today where Siri on the iPhone 4S lets users talk with their devices.
Picadilly image (above) via Shutterstock