In the aftermath of the cancellation of its potentially disruptive Courier tablet computer, technology giant Microsoft is understood to be planning to revamp its Entertainment & Devices division.
The company is expected to announce significant management changes in the division. The move could be tricky considering the upcoming launch of the Project Natal motion device for the Xbox 360.
The group’s chief technology officer J Allard is expected to leave his position. Allard had overseen the Courier project.
The Entertainment & Devices division oversees Microsoft’s Xbox 360 video-games business. There has been criticism that Microsoft’s potential leadership in mobility has been dented by allowing its legacy Windows and Office franchises to interfere with innovation.
While shipments of Windows Mobile handsets have slumped, shipments of Google’s Android and Apple’s iPhone products have grown exponentially.
By John Kennedy
Photos: Microsoft’s Courier tablet (above) and the Project Natal motion device