Image via Luke Maxwell
The giant online forum Reddit, regularly the source for trending news on various websites, will now allow editors to embed Reddit posts, bringing it outside of the realms of its own domain for the first time.
Reddit has long called itself the ‘front page of the internet’, where many of the trending stories of the day are shared or, in some cases, generated, in response to an outrageous comment or a video getting picked up as trending.
The only problem is that for some time now any website looking to cite a comment or thread of comments has had to face the reality that, unless you take screenshots of them, you’ll just have to rely on the less-appealing method of writing out the quotes manually.
Will eventually roll out to all posts
This is particularly obvious during noteworthy and controversial Reddit Ask Me Anythings (AMA), which often contain a significant amount of text and, according to TechCrunch, Reddit now wants to change this.
That’s why Reddit’s head of journalism and media, Mark Luckie, has pushed through the ability to embed Reddit comments into articles as of now.
A service dog, who goes to school every day with a 7th-grader suffering from Duchenne muscular dystrophy, gets her own photo next to him in the yearbook. from aww
The logic behind this, aside from making it look more appealing on the various websites, is that a Reddit user reading the article would be able to click on the embed and jump straight into the conversation without needing to hunt out the original post.
Luckie also said, in conversation with TechCrunch, that it’s hoped that if the person quoted sees themselves included as an embedded content, they’re more likely to share the article with their social circles.
“We see the embeds as entrée to a series of publisher tools we’re hoping to roll out, in coordination with publishers,” Reddit’s director of business development, Alexandra Riccomini, said in a statement on its rolling out.