Consumer electronics giant Samsung is getting ready to launch an LTE (Long Term Evolution) fourth-generation mobile network-based Android tablet computer.
The head of Samsung Mobile JK Shin believes the race for 4G has already started. According to The Wall Street Journal, he said the transition to 4G is inevitable because of the bigger volumes of data they handle.
He said the 4G tablet computer will be built along the same lines as its Galaxy Tab computer.
Samsung vs Apple
In related news, Samsung – which is embroiled in a legal battle with Apple, which has accused Samsung of copying attributes of the iPhone in its Samsung Galaxy smartphones and tablets – has asked Apple to hand over samples of its forthcoming iPhone 4S, its iPhone 5 and the iPad 3 “third-generation iPad” with the final packaging, including inserts included in such packaging.
The move comes just days after Samsung was asked to hand over pre-production samples of the Droid Charge, Infuse 4G, Galaxy S II, and Galaxy Tab 10.1 and 8.9. Apple wishes to determine if these products should be part of its lawsuit and if it will attempt to block them from the market.