A compilation of this past week’s Twitter messages – from the serious to the whimsical – from some top names in technology.
“High5’d the Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister) at CoderDojo in Dail today. Next task: breakdance battle him. http://instagr.am/p/NO1OCbC-ia/”
– James Whelton, tech entrepreneur, CoderDojo co-founder and first person to hack the iPod Nano
“Ooooh, new Googly looking nav bar at the top of LinkedIn.”
– Damien Mulley, owner of Mulley Communications and organiser of the Web Awards and Social Media Awards
“Dear baby that’s been crying for over an hour on this flight, I really didn’t think things could get worse, but then you barfed everywhere.”
– Dennis Crowley, co-founder of Foursquare
“Phantom vibrations in my pocket while I’m holding my phone in my hand. I still check. Damn you, lizard brain.”
– Ben Hammersley, editor-at-large of the UK edition of WIRED magazine
“Me: ‘Why are those guys dressed like Batman?’ Him: ‘Because The Dark Knight Rises opens tonight at midnight’ me: ‘I repeat my question’.”
– Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter
“Do you hear that? That’s Yahoo!’s stock shooting to the moon.”
– Ben Parr, CNET columnist and former editor of Mashable
“New CEO tasked with saving large company gets paid a lot. Thanks, everyone in my Twitter timeline.”
– Zach Epstein, executive editor at BGR Media, LLC
“OH at breakfast, service in Korea is so amazing, it’s like Apple designed a country.”
– Michael Gartenberg, industry analyst at Gartner
“Now I lay me down to tweet …”
– Katie Jacobs Stanton, head of international strategy at Twitter