A compilation of this past week’s Twitter messages – from the serious to the whimsical – from some top names in technology.
“The power of innovation shows in photo biz this year when a giant like Kodak falls & a tiny start-up Instagram gets $1b – innovate or die!”
– John Hartnett, founder, Irish Technology Leadership Group
“Self-discipline turns out to be a stronger correlate for success than both confidence and optimism.”
– Bill Liao, social networking entrepreneur and philanthropist
“Was freaking at Shanghai airport, had no idea what to do on landing. Met guy from Cork at gate, helped me to hotel. Cork boi, we’re mad like.”
– James Whelton, tech entrepreneur, CoderDojo co-founder and first person to hack the iPod Nano
“The neighbouring minx of a terrier is on heat. Pico is beside himself, and taking it out on a teddy bear. It’s very distracting.”
– Ben Hammersley, editor at large of the UK edition of WIRED magazine
“Dog walking time at Mashable 🙂 http://fb.me/25zY72em3”
– Pete Cashmore, CEO and founder of Mashable.com
“I’m standing very still. For a very slow shutter.”
– Jack Dorsey, creator, co-founder and executive chairman of Twitter; CEO of Square
“In the LAX Delta Sky Club, you make your own drinks. I don’t know if I’m happy or sad about that.”
– Joshua Topolsky, editor-in-chief of The Verge
“Google+ app for the iPhone looks so much better now. Can’t wait to not use it more.”
– Zach Epstein, executive editor at BGR Media, LLC
“The first person to apologise is the bravest, the first to forgive the strongest and the first to forget… the happiest. :)”
– Art Jonak, CEO, Network Professionals
“Battery about to die on iPhone. Held up well as a personal hotspot for the past 3 hours. If anyone needs to contact me, use telepathy.”
– Damien Mulley, owner of Mulley Communications and organiser of the Web Awards and Social Media Awards