A compilation of this past week’s Twitter messages – from the serious to the whimsical – from some top names in technology.
“Tip for startups – want to increase chance/prominence of coverage? Put a selection of decent, high-res pics on your site for us media.”
– Adrian Weckler, digital editor of The Sunday Business Post
“Just got back from Galway Science festival. Won an award for Student of the Year and felt like a celebrity.”
– Harry Moran, 12-year-old iOS and Mac OS X developer, creator of PizzaBot game
“Amused crowd of commuters by chasing my overcoat across a windy DART station onto (what I hope was) disused track. Funny. In retrospect.”
– Mark Little, founder of Storyful
“I’m going to learn crochet, just so Little Printer can have a hat.”
– Ben Hammersley, editor at large of the UK edition of WIRED magazine
“‘Unsubscribe’ email experiment has failed. Now inundated with spam from both old senders as well as new ones. Sigh.”
– Chuck Hollis, EMC CTO and blogger
“Okay, I’ve learned to Mind the Gap. Does the Gap Mind me?”
– Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist
“Just visited the Akshardam temple complex in Delhi. A very different atmosphere as a result from strict banning of cameras and cellphones.”
– Werner Vogels, Amazon.com CTO
“My son is one week old today. He looks good for his age.”
– Biz Stone, co-founder of Twitter