Tumblr is known as being the least ‘word-y’ of all the blogging platforms and, as if to underline that reputation, the site has now unveiled a new search engine that allows users to easily add GIFs to their posts.
When creating a new post, Tumblr-ers can now simply click the plus sign to select the new GIF button. From here they can find the Tumblr-hosted clip they need by typing their query into the search box, as demonstrated below.
The GIF is automatically credited to its creator when added to a post and that person even receives a notification that their content has been used.
It’s interesting that Tumblr has added this feature specifically for GIFs and not for more stagnant image formats. “Since GIFs have replaced written language,” it said in an announcement, “we’re making it easier to turn your obsolete verbiage into modern moving pictures.”
It’s been a big week for GIF enthusiasts. Facebook recently started allowing the format to play in users’ newsfeeds, despite previously claiming that the short clips would make the site look “too chaotic”.
Tumblr image via Shutterstock