Seven-year itch? Not for Twitter, which marks its seventh anniversary today with a video celebrating some of the notable moments on the microblogging site so far.
Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey sent out the first tweet on 21 March 2006: “Just setting up my twttr”, and since then the social network has amassed more than 200m active users who post 400m tweets a day, Twitter’s editorial director Karen Wickre posted on Twitter’s blog.
“As we’ve grown, Twitter has become a true global town square – a public place to hear the latest news, exchange ideas and connect with people all in real time,” Wickre wrote.
“This is where you come to connect with the world at large. Get on your soapbox to critique elected officials, or go sotto voce to the neighbour next to you. And as in other gathering places, commerce happens, too (and jokes and art-making and debating, and – you get the idea).”
Watch the Celebrating #Twitter7 video here: