Still from Stephen Colbert's parody of Daft Punk's Get Lucky
We take a look at some of the most-viewed and most-shared videos on the web. This week features the most popular Vines of last month, Stephen Colbert strutting his stuff to Daft Punk’s Get Lucky and Steve Jobs in ‘Making Pad’.
About 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, 500 years of video watched on Facebook every day, and more than 700 YouTube videos shared on Twitter each minute, ensuring there is always video trending on the web.
With so much video available for viewing, we take a look at some of the viral videos that have caught our eye this week.
Greatest Vines of 2013 so far
The original Greatest Vines of 2013 we wanted to share with you was taken off YouTube over some copyright dispute, but either way it alerted us to the artforms that are emerging from those 15-second Vine videos and the results are pretty hilarious. This video is a compilation of the most popular and funny Vines of last month and it has attracted some 6.2m views.
Colbert ‘Gets Lucky’
Rather than be punk’d by the last minute no-show of Daft Punk US TV presenter Stephen Colbert took matters into his own hands and produced a rollicking video to the hit song of the summer ‘Get Lucky’, featuring Matt Damon, Jeff Bridges, Jimmy Fallon, Henry Kissenger and Jon Stewart, to name a few. If we learned anything from this, Colbert can dance.
The honest Breaking Bad trailer
As the world eagerly awaits the second season of Breaking Bad, someone thought it might be a good idea to produce a really honest trailer summing up the recurring themes in the hit TV show. A little something to sate your appetite before the season premieres in the coming days.
Making Pad
Another parody video surrounding Breaking Bad that went viral this week suggests why Steve Jobs pushed for the creation of the iPad. You’ll never look at your iPad in the same way again.
Dublin bus strike song
Dublin’s a great place to moan about stuff but finally Dubliners had a real reason to moan last week during the bus strike. FM104’s Jim-Jim Nugent and Pat Gill from the Strawberry Alarm Clock caught the city’s mood in this pretty decent parody of ‘Hey There, Delilah’ renamed ‘Hey there, Bus Driver’.
Garda can dance
The Guards are human too and it was nice to see a good humoured cop take to the stage at Indiependence in Cork and strut his stuff to the acclaim of the audience.
The cat is really a shark
I don’t know what is more astonishing about this video, the cat’s elegant poise on the Roomba or how on earth someone managed to get the cat dressed up as a shark in the first place. With 3.2m views, people out there are clearly just as fascinated.