Beating the likes of Google and Microsoft, Yahoo! has once again proven to be the most visited site in the US on desktop PCs in December 2013, according to new figures.
The data released by ComScore shows that Yahoo! still maintains a slender lead over Google, with just over 195m unique visitors compared with Google’s 192m.
The figures that show the top 50 visited websites in the world give a good indication of who the biggest online players are and what topics are driving traffic.
The top 10 visited sites show no surprises, with Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon and Wikipedia as some examples of those included.
Top 50 most visited sites, via ComScore
In terms of biggest visited commercial sectors, it might be unsurprising to find that online shipping companies saw a 34pc jump in visitor numbers in the build-up to Christmas, showing a growth of just under 28m in November to 37m in December.
The most visited area of the internet by far still remains news websites, which saw a growth of 12 pc in the two months, from just under 77m to 86.5m.
However, these figures only give an overall view of a shrinking online presence in terms of PC users, as tablets, smartphones and other internet-connected devices are overshadowing traditional desktop PCs in the numbers of unique users.