Video sharing site YouTube had undergone a bit of a facelift and is now displaying a more streamlined homepage to make video search and discovery easier for users.
Following some useful social additions in March this year including the ability to share your videos on Twitter and use YouTube as a hub for contacting friends, the new update from the Goolge-owned video sharing site is clean and has hidden away many of the extras on the footer while masthead is uncluttered.
The inbox is no longer at the top of the page above masses of tabs but rather tucked away to the right while the YouTube logo sits beside an emphasised search box and the Web 2.0 style buttons have been replaced in favour of plain text.
Instead of getting featured videos shoved in your face you are presented with modules you can edit, on subscriptions, ‘recommended for you’, friends’ activity and finally featured videos and videos being watched now.
The most interesting development? YouTube has asked users for feedback on its official blog and has announced that it is looking into ways of personalizing the masthead in the near future.