Image: shmeljov/Depositphotos
Ireland’s research centre for applied AI is making its portfolio of technology demonstrator projects freely available to license for tackling Covid-19.
As part of the ongoing effort to help us better understand and deal with Covid-19, Irish research centre CeADAR is partnering with University College Dublin (UCD) and TU Dublin to give companies and researchers a leg-up.
CeADAR, Ireland’s centre for applied AI and data analytics, said that it is making its portfolio of technology demonstrator projects freely available to license for use in Covid-19 research and development.
This will see the research centre work with Nova UCD and TU Dublin Hothouse, the knowledge transfer centres of UCD and TU Dublin respectively. This includes licensing the projects using Knowledge Transfer Ireland’s (KTI) recently announced Covid-19 non-exclusive royalty-free (NERF) licence.
The aim of the KTI Covid-19 NERF licence is to speed up the dissemination of critical intellectual property related to the virus from across academia and industry. The licence will remain in place until the World Health Organization declares that the current pandemic has ended.
Need a little rework
The projects are based on proposals received from industry members and are all at the proof-of-concept stage.
“At CeADAR we want to play our part in helping companies and industry who are engaged in R&D activities to address challenges arising from the Covid-19 pandemic,” said CeADAR’s director, Dr Edward McDonnell.
“As such we are delighted to make our portfolio of technology demonstrator projects available under a NERF licence to interested parties. These demonstrator projects were not developed with Covid-19 in mind and will need to be reworked once use cases have been identified by industry, and we can also support industry in this regard with our technical expertise and knowledge.”
This follows other attempts by Irish research centres to give greater access to important data for use in tackling Covid-19. Researchers at the SFI Adapt centre teamed up with Ordnance Survey Ireland to give open data access to researchers and app developers to the Covid-19 health surveillance monitor.
Microscope. Image: shmeljov/Depositphotos