Using online behaviours in your strategy planning

16 Nov 2010

Most of us are aware that insights into human behaviours can guide our sales strategy, but how many exactly put this into action?

If your hand is well and truly raised at this point, give yourself a pat on the back. But ask yourself one question – Could you be doing it better?

Here is a list of digital strategies based on behaviours:

  • Dynamically generated content based on purchase behaviour (think Amazon, eBay)
  • Targeted campaigns via segmented data – demographic, geographical (think travel)
  • Target by status – Current members, potential, lapsed, etc (think leisure classes and courses)
  • Manual follow-up emails with tailored offers (think hotels, SME’s)
  • Time-strategy emails – Primary after initial contact, then monthly or quarterly (think newsletters and lapsed contacts)


  • Promo-led content. Changeable promos based on customer preferences and past behaviours
  • Insights and topical points of discussion-led content
  • Competitive edge – actively monitor competitor traffic. Use of Hitwise and other intelligence software to form basis of content, especially incentives and homepage
  • Statistic led – Edit and adjust content based on stats. High-bounced, low-viewed pages are revised for relevancy and positioning. Hook content (pages and popular searches) used like bait and switch strategies for wider pages per visit

Social media

  • Proactively search for potential sales opportunities and request friendship/join, etc. Once they take the desired action, send them relevant marketing material
  • Strengthen your social media status and grow followers by using your other digital channels to advertise specialised social media offers
  • Keep clear distinctions between audiences (social segmentation) – LinkedIn – build business community, Facebook – competition and activity sharing, Twitter – news feeds, BLOGS and articles. Use this to profile and compare interaction
  • Track social mentions using Buzz, Google alerts, filters, etc – Loyalty behaviour and brand monitoring across all mediums

Behaviours can also be integrated into SMS, online advertising and video/audio. Would enjoy reading strategy stories  – which worked and why, which didn’t …

Monday 8th November 2010, 10:13 am

By Christina Gilibert

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