Angry Birds has reached 500m total downloads across numerous platforms, making it one of the most downloaded games ever.
The game’s developer Rovio also revealed statistics on how much the game has been played globally since its release in late 2009.
According to Rovio, Angry Birds fans play 300m minutes of the game daily, reaching 200,000 years of play time for the mobile game.
Rovio also said more than 266bn levels of Angry Birds have been played and during this time, players have catapulted 400bn birds in the game.
“This is a fantastic landmark achievement for us, and we’re extremely delighted to see such an incredible amount of people enjoying our games,” said Mikael Hed, CEO of Rovio, who attended last week’s Dublin Web Summit.
“We remain committed to creating more fun experiences and bringing exceptional quality to Angry Birds fans everywhere,” he said.
Rovio has also shipped more than 10m Angry Birds toys globally and it’s working on an Angry Birds movie, with the former chairman of Marvel Studios leading the project.