App Review: Rubik’s Cube (iPhone)

22 Jul 2010

The Rubik’s Cube is the world’s best selling toy and its appeal obviously lies in the challenge of solving the puzzle by getting the 3x3x3 cube to show six uniformly coloured faces.

You would think that once the Rubik’s Cube is converted into a mobile game that the appeal instantly dissolves due to the lack of the physical object – the real thing – but the attraction of the Rubik’s Cube app by Magmic lies in the fact that it faithfully represents the old-school toy.

rubiks cube screenshot iphone app

Classic mode on the official Rubik’s Cube app

It does this by representing the cube in 3D: you can rotate the cube and look at it from different angles and this works even better on the iPhone 4 since it has a gyroscope that the 3Gs doesn’t have.

You also have the option of actually seeing it in 3D with a pair of any old red/blue 3D glasses – the retro kind you wore to the cinema as a kid!

rubiks cube 3d mode iphone app screenshot

The Rubik’s Cube app in 3D – don’t forget your glasses!

Aside from the fact that solving the standard 3x3x3 Rubik’s Cube is challenging there are plenty of extras to keep you entertained.

You can play in classic colours or superimpose an image of your face, your or whatever onto the cube or even play a futuristic version where the cubes are floating apart from each other and they all have six faces with different colours, plus you can do a 2x2x2, 4x4x4 and 5x5x5 combinations if you’re crazy enough to tackle one big enough.

Another nice element is the solver. If you have a real Rubik’s Cube in front of you and you’re stumped you can take a picture of it with the app and it will turn this into a virtual one that it goes on to help you solve. Simples!

There’s a timer on the game should you want to set yourself a challenge or you can do it at your leisure.

At €2.39 this iPhone game is well worth it because it is as addictive as the toy itself. And the fact that it is endorsed by Erno Rubik himself makes it that much better too as he had a hand in the approval process.