Apps still more popular than mobile browsing, says study

2 Apr 2014

Despite previous estimates indicating that app use would decline in favour of mobile browsing, a new study appears to show, in the US at least, that mobile browsing is on the decease.

In the study undertaken by Flurry, a mobile analytics company, it would appear that in March 2013, the number of minutes spent on a mobile browser dropped from 31 minutes that month, to 22 minutes in March this year.

In comparison, app use, which was already higher than mobile browsing time, grew slightly from 2 hours and six minutes each day, to two hours and 19 minutes in the space of a year.

Remaining dominant, the largest polling of users who took part in the research still use apps mostly for gaming at 32pc followed by the Facebook app at 17pc.

Flurry study

Mobile advertising continues to rise

Despite mobile advert revenue recently estimated as having jumped by 105pc in 2013, it appears that aside from the major players of Google and Facebook, the rest of the app world is failing to earn little, if any, return on their advert revenue.

The minefield that is in-app purchases and app financial models has seen prophecies of doom casted over the majority of apps as, according to Flurry: “The rest of the apps, including gaming apps, are simply not getting their fair share of advertising spent. The ‘other’ apps command 65.3pc of time spent but only receive 32pc of ad revenues.”

Colm Gorey was a senior journalist with Silicon Republic