Fans of the TV series Game of Thrones costumed as Khal Drogo and Daenerys Targaryen at WonderCon 2012 (via Doug Kline/Wikimedia Commons)
The season 3 premiere of HBO’s Game of Thrones was the most pirated file on BitTorrent within 24 hours after its original broadcast – that was, until Sunday night’s season finale broke this record once more.
Season 3, Episode 10 of fantasy TV series Game of Thrones has set a high for illegal file-sharing, according to BitTorrent. More than 170,000 people were sharing the episode simultaneously, just minutes after it was broadcast in the US on Sunday night.
Sky subscribers in the UK and Ireland were offered the show less than 24 hours after the US broadcast via Sky Atlantic on Monday, but apparently that wasn’t soon enough for some. The download was most popular in Australia, followed by the US, Canada and the UK.
Back in April, the series hit the headlines for reaching 1m downloads in less than 24 hours following the season premiere. BitTorrent then reported the largest swarm it had ever experienced with more than 160,000 peers sharing at once and, at that time, the US was top of the piracy lot followed by the UK and Australia.