Google’s new Valentine’s Day animated Doodle featuring Tony Bennett’s cover of Hank Williams’ ‘Cold Cold Heart’ begins as a paean to unrequited love before blossoming into a love story with a nice, mushy ending.
You could almost anticipate a Google Doodle these days for any occasion, but the animated doodle is certainly a work of art.
It starts out as a cartoon of someone doing a search for Valentine’s Day on his or her laptop computer before opening up into a story about rejection and eventually winning that heart.
It takes the user through a bloke trying unsuccessfully to woo his object of desire, trying flowers, chocolates, apparel, cuddly toys, balloons, etc, each time doing a search for what it is that would win her over.
Meanwhile, the cause of his infatuation keeps on skipping on a skipping rope nonchalantly.
Eventually, it dawns on the hapless romantic that all he needs to do is skip alongside her and love eventually blossoms and they skip happily together.
The Doodle then launches a general Google search for Valentine’s Day.
See the video: