Screenshot of Star Wars Battlefront (image via YouTube)
Star Wars nerds everywhere, rejoice! With Episode VII – The Force Awakens coming this Christmas, EA has unveiled footage from what’s likely to be the year’s most in-demand video game tied in to that series. Saving the best for last, the company closed its E3 press conference with gameplay from the forthcoming Star Wars Battlefront.
It certainly gets top marks for authenticity. Set during the period covered in the original Star Wars trilogy, the clip – taken from the game’s multiplayer mode – features a battle between rebel forces and the Imperial military on a snowy planet, complete with authentic sound effects, music and plenty of touches that will be familiar to fans of the series. Plus, cameo appearances from Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, no less.
The ability to switch from first-person to third-person view, change from guns to lightsabers, and control a number of vehicles, should keep things interesting.
Star Wars Battlefront is due for release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on 17 November. Click below to watch the preview.
Also highlighted was an expansion pack for the multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic. Titled Knights of the Fallen Empire, the forthcoming release was announced not with gameplay footage, but with a beautifully cinematic trailer that depicted two twin brothers who grow into fierce warriors and, ultimately, are pitted against each other in a violent feud.
Released this October, Knights of the Fallen Empire will be free for all subscribers. Click below to watch the preview.
EA also revealed a new mobile game, Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes.