Social media agency Simply Zesty has produced an info graphic detailing the buzz generated in media, especially social media, during the World Cup.
The info graphic features on the Simply Zesty blog and among the findings are:
· Coca Cola’s sponsored Twitter hashtag #wc2010 received 86 million impressions in just 24 hours.
· Nike’s World Cup advert achieved 19.2 million views on YouTube.
· 65pc of 55 countries are in favour of the deployment of goal-line technology.
· Irish people, unsurprisingly, were the highest of any country surveyed, with 84pc in favour of goal-line technology.
· A quarter of the online buzz in the first two weeks of the tournament focused on sponsor Adidas.
· Figures suggest that the total number of concurrent streams peaked at 800,000 in the UK during the England Vs Slovenia match via live stream on the BBC.
· In terms of online news, online traffic per minute on the first and final day of the World Cup stood at 12.1 million, compared with 8.5 million on the night when Barack Obama won the US presidential elections.