Perhaps trying to distract from the Xbox excitement of this week, Sony has released a teaser trailer for the forthcoming PlayStation 4 and announced a date for its unveiling.
Though a launch was held for the PlayStation 4 earlier this year in New York, the audience at the press event was not even granted a glimpse of the actual console. To date, the new DualShock 4 wireless controller is the only element of the new gaming system that has been made public.
That’s set to change on 10 June, however, when Sony will unveil its next-generation console ahead of the E3 gaming trade show in the Los Angeles Convention Centre. The event will start at 6pm PDT (2am IST).
With just over 24 hours to go until the unveiling of the new Xbox from Microsoft, Sony may be trying to take some of the spotlight away from America’s No 1 games console with the release of a PS4 teaser video today.
Those who want to keep on top of what’s planned for the PS4 event can sign up for updates at http://eu.playstation.com/PS4.