PlayStation Move, in association with Movember, will hose the Mo’lympic games on 6-7 November in the Playstation Hub at 50 South William Street, Dublin.
The competition is open to all who have registered for the Movember campaign, which challenges men to grow a moustache over the month of November in order to raise awareness and money for prostate cancer.
To support this, The PlayStation Hub will host a gaming sports event, inviting “Mo Bros” and “Mo Sistas” to play the PlayStation Move title Sports Champions to battle it out in archery mode. PlayStation has said players don’t have to be the top gamers in the field to take part.
Competitors must hit as many targets as possible using the Move controller and complete three rounds of archery to be in to win.
The PlayStation Hub “Mo Staff” will keep tabs on the scores and by 6pm on 7 November, they will announce the Irish Mo’lympic Games Champion who will win a PlayStation 3 and a PlayStation Move starter pack.
Images will be posted on the PlayStation Move Movember Wall of Fame, from when the winner will be announced to 14 November. The Wall of Fame winner will also receive a console and the Move starter pack.