Sony's PlayStation 4
PlayStation fans won’t have to wait much longer to lay eyes on the next-generation console with the launch of PS4 Rooms in Dublin, where they are invited to check out the PlayStation 4 ahead of its release.
PS4 Rooms opens on Wednesday, 20 November, at No 10 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, and will remain open until 8 December.
A total of 15 PlayStation 4 consoles will be installed in the dedicated gaming space, offering players a first go of new titles Knack, DriveClub, Killzone: Shadow Fall, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and more. PS4 experts will be on-hand to help with demonstrations and get users familiar with the updated games console and its new social capabilities.
PS4 Rooms will open from 12pm to 6pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, up to 9pm on Thursdays and Fridays, and up to 7pm on Saturdays. On Sundays, the demo rooms will open from 2pm to 6pm. For more information, check out the Sony PlayStation Ireland Facebook page or follow PlayStation Ireland on Twitter.
The PlayStation 4 will reach Irish retailers on 29 November with a retail price of €399. This follows the launch of Microsoft’s new Xbox One on 22 November.