Still from 'Welcome to YouTube!' by JelloApocalypse on YouTube
We take a look at some of the most-viewed and most-shared videos on the web. This week features an introduction to YouTube for anyone that still needs it, sex education from Brendan Gleeson, one method of cleaning a dusty duck, revolting sheep, and Breaking Bad as you’ve never seen it before.
More than 72 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, 500 years of video watched on Facebook every day, and more than 700 YouTube videos shared on Twitter each minute, ensuring there is always video trending on the web.
With so much video available for viewing, we take a look at some of the viral videos that have caught our eye this week.
Welcome to YouTube!
While any regular reader of our viral videos round-up will be quite familiar with YouTube, we still recommend a look at JelloApocalypse’s tongue-in-cheek guide to the video-sharing site, with flashes of NSFW language and plenty of scathing honesty.
Uploaded: 10 August 2013
Things Irish people say on holidays
YouTuber Tropper Stopper previously gave us ‘101 things Irish parents say’ and now he’s back with all the things we Irish are known to say when off on holidays. Though we’ve had the best summer in living memory on the homeland, that wouldn’t stop us from exploring foreign lands – and calling back home to see how the weather is, what time it is and who has died.
Uploaded: 14 August 2013
Tired kid at airport
Speaking of holidays, who hasn’t felt like this after a long-haul flight, eh?
Uploaded: 11 August 2013
The Talk
Sketches from Brendan and Domhnall Gleeson’s ‘Immatürity for Charity’ – described as a low-brow comedy fundraiser – were broadcast on RTÉ last Christmas and, so far, the comedy appeal has raised €65,000 for the St Francis Hospice in Raheny, Dublin. More is needed to open a 24-bed unit in the palliative care centre, however, so the sketches are now available online providing not only plenty of giggles but also a request for donations to the cause. This skit starring the father and son team depicts the ‘birds and the bees’ conversation every parent dreads and, naturally, sexual language is used throughout. That said, this explanation of sex is far less informative than you might be expecting, and certainly hilarious.
Uploaded: 12 August 2013
Breaking Bad as a romantic comedy
Breaking Bad has returned to our screens and while we await the next episode arriving tomorrow, this YouTube video reimagines the series as a rom-com – and it still looks like a compelling watch!
Uploaded: 11 August 2013
Sheep protest
The sheep in New Zealand are not happy with the current state of affairs and they’re not just going to sit on their laurels and wait for things to change, they will effect change through mass protest!
Uploaded: 14 August 2013
Vacuuming a duck
This YouTube user assures that no ducks were harmed in the making of this video. In fact, apparently he’s a big fan of being hoovered. Each to their own!
Uploaded: 14 August 2013
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