
8 Apr 2004

What is it?
The website of the European Commission Representation in Ireland.

What does it do?
This site is a good resource on how the EU and Ireland work together, with links to treaties, social policy, culture, the information society, business advice and databases of EU texts and research. It gives access to all EU information directly relevant to Ireland and provides up-to-date coverage of EU affairs. Users can also consult all legislation currently in force or under discussion and find out about the policies administered by the EU. It also contains useful links to a section on legal rights as an EU citizen and a useful schools page.

How does it look?
While navigation is good, like the European Commission itself the website is a bit of a maze, with links to all the major European institutions. However, the content is exceptional making it highly functional and informative.

Any useful links?
From this portal, users can also access the websites of each of the EU institutions such as the main site for the European Commission, http://europa.eu.int/comm/; the Council of the European Union, http://ue.eu.int/; the European Parliament, www.europarl.eu.int/ and the European Investment Bank www.eib.org/.

By Brian Skelly
